Comments on: INFJ Decorating for the Protector Realtor + Designer Sat, 27 Oct 2018 02:29:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amanda Sat, 27 Oct 2018 02:29:30 +0000 In reply to Dianna.

I’m both an intf and intj…so it’s possible to be you’re both.

By: Dianna Sat, 09 Jul 2016 01:53:36 +0000 I so love you informative blog on decorating for the different types. I’m still trying to figure out if I am a Intj or an Infj both of the process of thinking and feeling are very important to me.. I loved both design patterns. But I tend like the Infj design better. Again thank you for a well thought blog and well executed

By: Liset Thu, 24 Dec 2015 18:46:27 +0000 I have to agree wiith all my fellow INFJs, this was perfect!
So smart about having a way to confine the mess out of sight, that’s exactly what I need for my workroom!
Because of pinterest I’ve fallen in love with a lot of decor pieces, but I have been unsettled making the decor, and I now realize it’s because I crave the things that are specific to me and my family, not the decor that is just beautiful. I think it s time to bring out my books back on display, and show case my daughter’s art. Maybe very nice frames will help make it feel like “real” decor.
Alao, the bit about always trying to make the space better and more useful is spot on, sometimes I just need to relax in the home I’ve worked so hard on!

Thank you for this article!

By: Lilly Sat, 14 Nov 2015 16:27:02 +0000 In reply to Mrs. Fancee.

I wouldn’t know if it’s just me, but turquoise paired with dark brown accents seems to go Good for the items like dishes, hand towels, rugs, and maybe even walls (with the trimming being the brown). I suppose having a contrast that’s sharp, simple, and gentle all at once may just go Good with the whole art thing. Anyways-I’d need to have other infjs agree!

By: Alyssa Fri, 28 Aug 2015 01:46:39 +0000 I laughed out loud when I read: Use your home and decorating to celebrate those you love! Looked up and saw the Marine Corps poster and the canvas from my husband’s birthday where everyone wrote him well wishes. The hallway is literally a collage of family photos and my bedroom has personal photos and mementos everywhere! 😀

Definitely going to try to hide some of the chaos!!! Great advice

By: Mrs. Fancee Thu, 30 Jul 2015 16:26:26 +0000 In reply to Brittany • Adventure & the Wild.

That sounds lovely! I think I should incorporate some stress-reducers into my decor too 🙂

By: Brittany • Adventure & the Wild Wed, 29 Jul 2015 23:22:50 +0000 This is so fun (and accurate)! It’s funny, my entire house is in a shades of minty green, almost identical to the photo under the “Reduce stress.” Guess I’m on the right track 😉

By: Cindy Banks Fri, 10 Jul 2015 03:44:49 +0000 Organized chaos! You hit the nail on the head. That describes my home exactly. I also display my guitars, my children’s artwork, and pictures of my husband rock climbing. Thank you for this.

By: kait Sat, 30 May 2015 01:30:26 +0000 Since this is a page on perfectionists, I thought you’d like to know it seems a piece was held over from the previous post: “Good News for the Giver” 😉

Thanks for this post. Growing up in an isfj/entj household, it’s nice to know why I’ve always struggled to match their hyper-organization.

By: Allie Erber Mon, 04 May 2015 02:36:35 +0000 Your insights are really accurate for me as an INFJ, right down to the “scrolly music stand in the corner”, haha! It’s the one piece in my living room that I feel like always needs its place and makes the decor unique. Flow is also really important, and I’ve been over and over how to make my small living/dining space work most functionally and comfortably while still looking great. 🙂 Thanks for the read!
