INFJ Archives - Naomi Bjerk Realtor + Designer Tue, 17 Dec 2013 11:00:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 INFJ Archives - Naomi Bjerk 32 32 178020044 INFJ Decorating for the Protector Tue, 17 Dec 2013 11:00:00 +0000 Welcome back to a 16 part series, looking at how your Myers Briggs personality profile affects your decorating choices.  Last time, we looked at ENFJ (Giver) type, and this week we’re diving into INFJ (Giver). In this series, it’s important to remember that everyone has different tastes when it comes to home decor, but each […]

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Welcome back to a 16 part series, looking at how your Myers Briggs personality profile affects your decorating choices.  Last time, we looked at ENFJ (Giver) type, and this week we’re diving into INFJ (Giver). In this series, it’s important to remember that everyone has different tastes when it comes to home decor, but each of us have preferences that can often be traced back to our personality profile and how we perceive and react to the world.  By better understanding our personality profile, we can make informed decorating decisions that can lead to more peaceful living and well-rounded lives.

In this guide, I will not attempt to tell you whether country cottage fits you better, or if you are more the modern eclectic type.  We all are drawn to different styles, and similar personalities will not necessarily have similar decorating tastes.  But, they will have similar ways of making decisions, evaluating choices, and experiencing the decor in their homes.  Which is why, in this series, I will be focusing on broader concepts and decision making  in your home decor versus specific design styles.

Most rare of all types, the Protector is also known as the Confidant or the Counselor.  I would say those words are very descriptive of my mom, who happens to be an INFJ.  Below is a quick overview of this type.  For a more indepth analysis of the INFJ, visit here.

INFJ are set apart by their intuitive nature.  They care deeply for those they love and have a warm and gentle demeanor.  Their inner self is deep and complex; often hard for others to understand.  Because of this, INFJ’s tend to be secretive and private about their thoughts and feelins.  They are perfectionists with high standards, driven by their unique intuitive abilities.  The INFJ is a natural nurturer and provides patience and protection to those they love.

 INFJ the Protector | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee

INFJ Decorating

  • Trust your intuition.  The Protector is highly intuitive and trusts their intuition very strongly.  Althought they often can not explain why they know something, they just do.  Use this to your advantage in decorating.  Trust your insticts.  You may not know why you like something, but chances are it’s a great choice!


  • Celebrate the arts.  INFJ’s often have an affinity for the arts (be it music, creative writing, artwork, etc.).  Show off this neat aspect of your personality in your home!  Do you paint landscapes?  Paint one of your local area and hang it on the wall.  Do you play an instrument?  Find a beat up flea market version and display it as artwork, or set up a scrolly music stand in the corner.  Whatever gets your creative juices flowing, incorporate it in your home.  Let your home inspire you!

 INFJ the Protector | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Create orderly chaos.  With the Judging trait, the Protector does have orderly tendencies and likely feels most at peace when things organized.  But, sometimes their can be a conflict between the Protector’s inner world of intuition and their outer world of orderliness.  This can create signs of dissaray such as a consistently messy desk.  Enable yourself to enjoy the organization without worrying too much about the areas of mess.  Get a roll top desk to cover the clutter, use a divider in the room to hide a messy portion, or add a sliding door to your kitchen so you can eat a more peaceful dinner.  Help yourself be at peace by easily creating an orderly home.

 INFJ the Protector | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Create the best system.  Sometimes when decorating, people can forget the practical aspects such as flow of the room, enough seating, walkways, etc.  But not the INFJ, they are constantly seeking improvements and thinking about how to attain the best systems.  Because of this, you, as n INFJ, will likelly have an excellent functioning home if you put your mind to it.  Trust your intuition on things like furniture arrangement, art placement, accoustics levels for the TV and more.  If you spend a little time and energy thinking about improvement, chances are you will find some great ideas!

 INFJ the Protector | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Celebrate loved ones.   The INFJ Protector has a deep well of caring for those they love.  They push them to be the best they can be, and because of this they can recognize their loved ones strengthes and celebrate them.  Your home is a portrait of what you care most about.  Proud of your son’s baseball achievements?  Use his gear as decor.  Does your daughter have a lovely voice?  Leave her voice books out on the piano.  Use your home and decorating to celebrate those you love!

 INFJ the Protector | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Reduce stress.  Stress can affect the INFJ very negatively and may even manifest itself through physical ailments.  The Protector must take special care to avoid this and stay healthy in body and mind.  Reduce the stress in your life by creating a space that is just for you where you can decompress.  Create organization charts so that your family can help out with the chores.  Also, conflict is a big source of stress for the INFJ, help avoid quarrels by using soothing colors throughout your home such as greens and blues.

 INFJ the Protector | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Step back and enjoy.  As someone who is always striving to be better, it can be difficult for the INFJ to recognize how far they’ve come and how much they’ve achieved.  While you may be caught up on what doesn’t work the best in your home, take a step back and a moment to enjoy what is there and how nice it is.  It is important for us all to be able to recognize our own achievements.

  INFJ the Protector | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


Good News for the Giver

1. You are creative and imaginative.  Likely you are very good with words and have a gift for the poetic.  Your home is place where you can let your creativity flourish.  Use your intuition and natural affinity for the arts when you decorate.  Celebrate these skills, and let others admire te creativity of your home.

 INFJ the Protector | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


2. You are idealistic. You always strive for the best in every aspect of life.  This drive will allow you to continually update and improve your home and decor to reflect the most beautiful and well-thought out designs.  Embrace this characteristic in yourself and enjoy it in your home.  While at times being idealistic can be difficult, it will allow to you seek the best in your decorating.

 INFJ the Protector | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


Thanks for reading these decorating techniques and tricks for the Protector (INFJ).  If you are a Protector, I’d love to hear how you create a better home system, or how your artistic abilities influence your decor.  🙂  Next week will be….. ENTP Decorating for the Visionary.


Decorating for your Personality:

INTP Decorating for the Thinker
ESTJ Decorating for the Guardian
INFP Decorating for the Idealist
ENFJ Decorating for the Giver
INFJ Decorating for the Protector
ENTP Decorating for the Visionary
ESFJ Decorating for the Caregiver
ISFP Decorating for the Artist
ISFJ Decorating for the Nurturer
ESFP Decorating for the Performer
ENFP Decorating for the Inspirer
INTJ Decorating for the Mastermind
ENTJ Decorating for the Executive
ISTP Decorating for the Artisan
ESTP Decorating for the Promoter
ISTJ Decorating for the Duty Fulfiller 


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The post INFJ Decorating for the Protector appeared first on Naomi Bjerk.

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