Dining & Kitchen Light Pairings

When I’m stressed about a project or to-do list, I tend to practice a little escapism and try and think about something more fun and interesting. For this season that has been my Mom’s kitchen design.

She and my dad bought their current home 15 years ago, and they are ready to tackle the kitchen. It will be a very large job, but I’m excited to share all the details with you as they unfold. But currently it is in the final design stages, scheduled to start demo in a few weeks.

My absolute favorite items to shop for in a home are the lights, and my Mom’s kitchen was no exception. Needless to say, I went a little overboard on curating some lighting options… Since she can only pick one, I thought it would be fun to share them all with you in case anyone is looking to find new dining/kitchen light pairs.

Affordable Silver light pairings. Dining room chandeliers matched with kitchen pendants for that perfect bespoke look! Also check out the blog for gold and black light pairings.

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I broke them down by metal color for you, since most of us have one or two main finishes we are using in our homes. Right now in our house it is brass and black. I think my Mom is leaning towards silver with brass accents.

Affordable Gold light pairings. Dining room chandeliers matched with kitchen pendants for that perfect bespoke look! Also check out the blog for silver and black light pairings.

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I am so incredibly happy that gold came back into style. It adds so much warmth and happiness to a space. I’m going on the record saying it should never go back out of style!! And up next, a new favorite finish as of late…

Affordable black light pairings. Dining room chandeliers matched with kitchen pendants for that perfect bespoke look! Also check out the blog for gold and silver light pairings.

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There you have it, 15 different affordable dining and kitchen light pairings. Or mix and match them to make your own unique look! I am a sucker for mixed metals, so I say go for it 🙂

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