ENFJ Decorating for the Giver

Welcome to the fourth post in a 16 part series, looking at how your Myers Briggs personality profile affects your decorating choices.  Last time, we looked at INFP (Idealist) type, and this week we’re diving into ENFJ (Giver). In this series, it’s important to remember that everyone has different tastes when it comes to home decor, but each of us have preferences that can often be traced back to our personality profile and how we perceive and react to the world.  By better understanding our personality profile, we can make informed decorating decisions that can lead to more peaceful living and well-rounded lives.

In this guide, I will not attempt to tell you whether country cottage fits you better, or if you are more the modern eclectic type.  We all are drawn to different styles, and similar personalities will not necessarily have similar decorating tastes.  But, they will have similar ways of making decisions, evaluating choices, and experiencing the decor in their homes.  Which is why, in this series, I will be focusing on broader concepts and decision making  in your home decor versus specific design styles.

I’m excited to take a look at the Giver today, they are such a special individual who naturally sacrifices their own needs for others.  Only 3% of the population are Givers, but what an important 3%!  Think what the world would be like without these individuals who are willing to lend a helping hand.   Below is a quick overview of this type.  For a more indepth analysis of the ENFJ, visit here.

If you are an ENFJ, you are outwardly oriented: focused on people possibilities, understanding and caring for others on a deeply intuitive level.  You understand people better than any other type and are concerned with meeting their needs.  While you may have strongly held beliefs, you’re likely to keep them to yourself if it would cause tension or damage a relationship.  Straightforward and honest, you are likely to succeed at many things because of your people skills, energetic nature, and self-confidence.  You are a warm, creative, and charming individual, gifted with a special ability to see into others.

ENFJ (The Giver) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee

ENFJ Decorating

  • Create an entertaining space.  The signature characteristic of the Giver’s personality type is their amazing aptitude for people and personal relationships.  So, it goes without saying that an ENFJ must have a space to entertain.  This may be in a different form for each individual.  If you enjoy preparing meals for others, create an inviting dining area or eat-in seating in your kitchen.  If hosting parties is your thing, create an outdoor retreat with a grill and patio seating for your guests to enjoy.  Whatver is your prefered method of connecting with others, make it possible in your home design.

ENFJ (The Giver) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Designate a retreat area.  Because the ENFJ is so intensely focused on others, they can neglect to take time alone.  This is especially important for the Giver.  They must take time to recognize their needs and sort out their own priorities as it is so easy to let them fall by the wayside.  Whether this means filling your bedroom with serene and peaceful decor, or designating a room in the house or outdoor space as your own private area, find a way to facilitate time for reflection.

ENFJ (The Giver) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Gather help in projects. Thinking about reno-ing your basement?  Enlist the help of others!  Because of your unique ability to understand and relate to others, they are often more than happy to help out.  Let your friends and family return the favor and give to you this time.  Not only will the project be more fun with those you love helping out, it will get done a lot quicker and cheaper!

ENFJ (The Giver) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Organize.  The Judging aspect of the Giver’s personality lends them to an organized nature.  Preferring things in a certain way and remaining orderly.  This is a great characteristic that can be helpful in your home.  Utilize this skill by establishing schedules for cleaning in your home, or creating storage systems for your food.  By adding more organization in your home, you wil be more at peace and ready to give to others!

ENFJ (The Giver) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Create hospitality.  The primary focus of the ENFJ is helping others.  Position yourself well for this task by making your home as hospitable as possible.  There are many ways to do this: an inviting guest room, plenty of seating in your living, room, a coffee bar, coat closet, and more.  When someone is having a rough day youll be glad your hot chocolate station was fully supplied to give them a little pick-me-up.

ENFJ (The Giver) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Consider shopping alone.  While the ENFJ loves people and is a true extrovert, they may not always feel like they can express their true feelings around them.  Because they truly wish to draw out the best in people, Givers can hide their own opinions and defer to others.  In the end, you want your home to be a true reflection of you.  Sometimes you need to take some time to yourself in order to really pick out what you like.

ENFJ (The Giver) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Embrace Change.  The Giver is a future-oriented individual, energetic and full of idea-possibilities.  It is likely you may desire regular change in your life.  Embrace this in your decor by buying neutrals that you can easily dress up or down with accessories.  For your bed, get a duvet and cheaply switch it out as often as you want!  Pillow covers are another easy switch.  By starting with a neutral palate, you can quickly and easily switch up the entire room.

 ENFJ (The Giver) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


Good News for the Giver

1. You are a big picture person.  Your expansive focus and ability to tackle many projects at once will help you achieve a put-together and cohesive home.  It’s not that you ignore the details though.  Instead of getting bogged down by them, you can see the big picture without sweating the small stuff.

ENFJ (The Giver) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


2. You are energetic and idea-driven.  As the Giver, you are a creative problem solver, and an adept idea generator.  You have the excitement and drive necessary to envision what could be, and to create a plan for completion.  Because of this, you can seek original ‘out-of-the-box’ approaches to design problems, and achieve beautiful things in your home.

ENFJ (The Giver) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


I hope you all enjoyed this analysis of decorating techniques for the Giver (ENFJ).  If you are a Giver, I’d love to hear how you use your home to give to others, or how you use your creative energy in design.  🙂  And coming up next….. INFJ Decorating for the Protector.


Decorating for your Personality:

INTP Decorating for the Thinker
ESTJ Decorating for the Guardian
INFP Decorating for the Idealist
ENFJ Decorating for the Giver
INFJ Decorating for the Protector
ENTP Decorating for the Visionary
ESFJ Decorating for the Caregiver
ISFP Decorating for the Artist
ISFJ Decorating for the Nurturer
ESFP Decorating for the Performer
ENFP Decorating for the Inspirer
INTJ Decorating for the Mastermind
ENTJ Decorating for the Executive
ISTP Decorating for the Artisan
ESTP Decorating for the Promoter
ISTJ Decorating for the Duty Fulfiller 


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8 thoughts on “ENFJ Decorating for the Giver”

  1. I loved reading your suggestions, it’s a great resource for people such as myself that identify with ENFJ. I especially appreciated your thoughts on organizing and how it can allow a person to feel more comfortable with sharing their home with others. I’ll be looking for stylish ways to stay organized!

    1. Thanks, Elia! It means a lot to me to get your feedback as an ENFJ 🙂 Best of luck in your organization endeavors!

  2. Just recently found you via Pinterest, I am so glad that I did. I am an ENFJ, and everything you addresses I was like yes, yes, yes! The advice that particular stood out to me was to stick with a neutral palette, so that change will be easier. I’ve learned this the hard way, and now that I’m redecorating, I’m going with neutral! I also really liked the suggestion to get others involved in your projects, I love DIY and it sounds like a great thing to do together. Thank you for this series, it was very thought out. Good luck on your blog!

    1. Thanks Katie, I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I love doing neutral bases and then changing it up with fun and funky accessories 🙂 Best wishes as you redecorate your home!!!

  3. Thank you for your post! I found it through Pinterest and it was exactly what this ENFJ needed to hear. Most of our home is in neutrals because I have a high need to changing things up, but always thought maybe I should try something else but now I don’t feel bad, Ha! What I now am going to focus on is making our bedroom a place to recharge and rest!

  4. I literally cried reading this post. I feel very validated. This came at a great time in my life; reading a positive description of my personality was so wonderful. Ive focused on the flaws of ENFJ for so long. I forget that I am pretty darn awesome. A lot of these decorating/home making/organizing suggestions i already practice but I assumed I was doing it wrong. I am so glad to feel the validation of knowing I am doing right for me. Thank you!!!!

  5. This is all so true!! I especially appreciate the fact that you mentioned for ENFJs to go shopping by themselves. Knowing the problem (and blessing) of being so influenced by people, having others come with me can sway my choices towards theirs in an effort to please them. Then later I find that that isn’t exactly what I wanted. But thank you for the very helpful ideas!

  6. I also just found your post via Pinterest, took the Meyers-Briggs test at 16personalities.com and then read this ENFJ post. This is spot on. I love to entertain and make people feel warm and welcome in my home. I’ve been dithering about a kitchen remodel but now know it is exactly what I should do since I cook to share the joy. Thank you for the insight!

  7. Pingback: 10 Step Selection Guide for Your New Build - Terravista Design Group

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