ENTP Decorating for the Visionary

Welcome back to a 16 part series, looking at how your Myers Briggs personality profile affects your decorating choices.  Last time, we looked at INFJ (Protector) type, and this week we’re diving into ENTP(Visionary). In this series, it’s important to remember that everyone has different tastes when it comes to home decor, but each of us have preferences that can often be traced back to our personality profile and how we perceive and react to the world.  By better understanding our personality profile, we can make informed decorating decisions that can lead to more peaceful living and well-rounded lives.

In this guide, I will not attempt to tell you whether country cottage fits you better, or if you are more the modern eclectic type.  We all are drawn to different styles, and similar personalities will not necessarily have similar decorating tastes.  But, they will have similar ways of making decisions, evaluating choices, and experiencing the decor in their homes.  Which is why, in this series, I will be focusing on broader concepts and decision making  in your home decor versus specific design styles.

Although I previously claimed to be an INTP, recently (during the research for this post sereis) I’ve come to realize that I may have been mis-typed.  While at first I felt consfused about the whole process…. I realized that this is why we must revisit our perception of ourselves and ask for outside opinions to truly understand our personality.  (Actually this switch from Introverted to Extroverted is not that shocking because an ENTP often can exhibit many introverted traits when fully immersed in an idea).

In the end, I feel like I resonate much deeper with the ENTP type and after analyzing it’s traits, I can clearly see myself.  Often referred to as The Visionary, the ENTP is an idea person all the way.  They love to fix problems, use creative thinking to find unique solutions, and generally share their enthusiasm for projects with others.  For a more indepth analysis of the ENTP, visit here.

ENTP’s use their extoverted intuition to understand people and situations.  At the core, they are idea people.  Their perception allows them to see possibilities in everything.  Excitable and enthusiastic about these ideas, ENTP’s spread their enthusiam to others.  In general, the details of following through on an idea or finishing up a project do not concern the ENTP, who is most interested in absorbing information and generating ideas.  They are excellent conversationalists who enjoy verbal sparring (sometimes referred to as the Lawyer type).  Overall, the ENTP is a creative, clever, curious and theoretical person.

ENTP The Visionary | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee

ENTP Decorating

  • Use your inventiveness.  The ability to be resourceful, think out-of-the-box, and come up with original solutions, is one of the neatest traits the Visionary has.  Certainly don’t neglect your home when being creative in decorating.  Try unusual materials to achieve the look you want.  Think of ways to repurpose things.  When you tap into your creativity the possibilities are endless!

ENTP The Visionary | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Follow through.  I believe the single biggest obstacle between an ENTP and their dream home is the abilty to follow through.  Fellow visionaries, is it just me, or is this the hardest thing ever??  Creating a schedule for your home projects will help you stay on task.  Also get someone on board and involved (preferably a P type who excels at completion) to motivate you to follow through.  Finishing a project and seeing the product of your creative idea is extremely rewarding!

ENTP The Visionary | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Be a non-conformist.  As an ENTP, you are the least likely to follow a ‘tried and true’ method just because it’s safe.  Challenge the status-quo!  Rules like: only use one type of wood in a room, don’t mix metals, furniture styles should match, don’t paint antiques, don’t mix patterns.  Throw those out the window, because they do not apply to you 😉

ENTP The Visionary | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Inspire yourself.  The ENTP constantly seeks out new ideas and fresh inspiration.  In order to create a home that you fits your personality, you should add inspiring art, furniture and colors.  Let your home be a place of motivating possibilites.  Whatever excites you and gets you thinking, fill your home with it!  Personally, I love textures and nature-inspired prints.

ENTP The Visionary | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Plan before you jump-in.   As an ENTP, I will be the first to admit that as soon as I have a rough idea, I jump right into action: trusting my intuition to solve any issues that may come up.  While (I like to think) most of the time it works out fine, at times there are oversights and I failed to plan out significant details of a project or I even cut corners (I lob those things right off).  If this is you, I would suggest that you get someone on board with you (hopefully your spouse is more detail-oriented!) to think out the possibilities ahead of time.  Yes, this process is extremely painful for an ENTP, but oftentimes necessary for full realization.

ENTP The Visionary | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Draw out your feeling side.  A well-rounded person has a healthy balance between all the characteristics.  Meaning, that while the ENTP naturally is a logical thinker, s/he must take care to develop their feeling side in order to be able to care for others and relate emotionally.  Let your decor help draw the Feeling side out.  Are you sentimental about a song?  Do  you have a keepsake from your honeymoon?  Did your grandparents give you an old family photo?  Use those throughout your home to remind yourself of the ones you love.

ENTP The Visionary | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Find the best solution.  The ENTP constantly seeks out orginal ways to solve problems.  If they employ this in their decorating, the ENTP will be able to improve the function and design of their home.  Try thinking about the optimal arrangement of your furniture for instance…. How can you maximize walking space?  Create optimal seating arrangements?  Organize the flow of the room?  Using a little imagination, you can rethink many processes in your home for the better!

ENTP The Visionary | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


Good News for the Visionary

1. You see the big picture.  With an instinctive ability to size up a situation, you will be able to easily see how your house plans are coming along and what needs to be done to get you to your dream home.  While sometimes minor setbacks can cause an ENTP to stress and fret and lose sight of the big picture, in the end they are often insignificant to the realization of your goals.  Remember this and you will have a good idea of where your house stands and where you want it to be.

 ENTP The Visionary | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


2. You have a “can do” attitude. ENTP’s become excited and enthusiastic about their ideas, and this enthuses other as well!  Generally optimistic, they believe they believe they have the capabilities to accomplish their goals.  This means that in decorating, you will have a positive drive to achieve your dream house and will be able to share your enthusiasm with others.  Enjoy the experience and don’t lose your great attitude!

ENTP The Visionary | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


Thanks for reading these decorating techniques and tricks for the Visionary (ENTP).  Fellow ENTP’s, tell me how your get resourceful in your home?  And if you have found the secret to finishing what you started, please tell me, I need it.   After the holidays, we’ll be looking at ESFJ Decorating for the Caregiver.


Decorating for your Personality:

INTP Decorating for the Thinker
ESTJ Decorating for the Guardian
INFP Decorating for the Idealist
ENFJ Decorating for the Giver
INFJ Decorating for the Protector
ENTP Decorating for the Visionary
ESFJ Decorating for the Caregiver
ISFP Decorating for the Artist
ISFJ Decorating for the Nurturer
ESFP Decorating for the Performer
ENFP Decorating for the Inspirer
INTJ Decorating for the Mastermind
ENTJ Decorating for the Executive
ISTP Decorating for the Artisan
ESTP Decorating for the Promoter
ISTJ Decorating for the Duty Fulfiller 


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8 thoughts on “ENTP Decorating for the Visionary”

  1. I love this idea!! Thank you for putting it together! I am obsessed with MBTI and an ENFP. I am also, conveniently enough, gathering ideas for my first ever apartment to myself! I am a very low percent E, so the INFP was pretty accurate for me. I am curious though to see what your ideas are for the ENFP decorating style! Can’t wait to see!

    1. I agree, MBTI is such a fun way to get to know yourself and others better. I definitely have ENFP on my upcoming list 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by!!

        1. This is such an ENTP conversation! I love it! This decorating for your type thing is a really great idea! Love it! Now to go read what my INFJ husband might want so I can prepare for it LOL

  2. I disagree with some of your recommendations for ENTPs here. our homes should be a place that embraces our personality style — not one that forces us into less comfortable styles. rather than forcing ENTPs to put sappy feeling stuff in their homes, they should be allowed to embrace their Thinking side. That is where we will draw energy and feel supported and rejuvenated. Also, why force us to make some sort of tedious master plan? wouldn’t it make more sense to plan our rooms in an eclectic style with smaller chunks of completion – so we can constantly be revising and adding as things come to mind? Maybe other people would be frustrated by an “incomplete” “unfinished” or constantly changing environment, but that would make us feel comfortable and relaxed.

    This sounds like you wrote what your husband wants you to be rather than what make an ENTP truly happy.

    1. You make some great points, Elisa. I definitely see what you are saying about implementing tactics to create the most comfortable home for an ENTP. I think it all boils down to what you want ‘home’ to be for you. Many of my tips were keeping in mind the fact that I want to be a well-balanced person and considered how my home could help me be that. While all of our differences are beautiful, I would say that it could be detrimental or dangerous to our relationships and self to neglect certain weaknesses of our personality. Because of that, I want my home to be a place that, while being comfortable for me, also challenges me to grow in areas that I need work. Of course all these recommendations are very subject to personal opinion and I am in no way an expert 🙂 Thanks for adding to this conversation, I think your points are all very valid!

  3. As an obsessed decorator and ENTP, I loved your ideas and appreciated the concept of using decorating to round ourselves out as human beings … my only complaint was the snarky comment by Elisa. I must applaud your manners and stylish composure under fire, Mrs. Fancee. When Elisa talks about sappy feelings and raises logic above all else, it becomes quite clear her sense of balance is way out of alignment. Her fear of feeling shows in her sad lack of tact when expressing an opinion. I do understand the love of a good argument – as all ENTP’s do. I have been known to let fly in anger once in a blue moon but I am self aware! For Elisa to say this … “This sounds like you wrote what your husband wants you to be rather than what make an ENTP truly happy.” – self awareness must be close to non existent. She was rude, assumptive and insulting. I have only just discovered Mrs. Fancee and she seems a modern, creative, vibrant woman – not a husband pleasing, grovelling doormat! I rarely comment online but the repulsive attitude of Elisa made me question if she could ever be an ENTP and if she is she deserves a good bitch slapping! Your temper is way sweeter than mine Mrs. Fancee – your happy nature reminded me of how good it feels to be an ENTP and I can thank the revolting Elisa for reminding me not to be angered by the nasty simpletons of life – they are to be pitied.

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  5. Way too much clutter. NTPs might unintentionally create clutter, but that doesn’t mean that they intentionally have that much density of stuff… There’s no real reason to cover up almost every inch of space.

  6. What a great idea, Myers Briggs applied to interior design! ENTP here as well, thank you for all the excellent tips.

    Still working on a method to finish all the projects I start… last one was not to start a new project (I’ve got an idea for a new blog I’m dying to start working on) until I finish the ones at the house. Let’s see if the works. Not very likely… 🙂

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  9. Loved this, thank you for putting this together. Made me feel feels,
    “Draw out your feeling side. A well-rounded person has a healthy balance between all the characteristics. Meaning, that while the ENTP naturally is a logical thinker, s/he must take care to develop their feeling side in order to be able to care for others and relate emotionally. Let your decor help draw the Feeling side out. Are you sentimental about a song? Do you have a keepsake from your honeymoon? Did your grandparents give you an old family photo? Use those throughout your home to remind yourself of the ones you love.”

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