A Little Life Update and some Blog-keeping

So… things have been a little quieter around this little blog lately.  Busy season is beginning for me (I’m a tax accountant by day), so I may be a little more absent these next few months.  But don’t worry, I’m not dropping off the face of the earth… I will be back. 🙂  That said, I will try and post when I can but please be patient with me through this hectic time.

This past week I’ve been busy with something other than taxes though….  Jake and I adopted kittens!!! 🙂  They are cute, cuddly, and adorable… even when they wake me up at night 😉   I’ve always wanted a kitten, so this was a super exciting step to finally adopt.  In the process of visiting shelters, we learned that kittens under 6 months need companionship during the day.  Since we both work all day, we decided to adopt two little kittens.  Twice the adorable-ness!


*Disclaimer– If you can’t stand hearing about how cute people’s pets are, you may want to skip this portion… I promise this will not turn into a crazy-cat-lady-blog* 😉

Pumpkin and Butternut are sisters born mid September.  Pumpkin is the calico with hints of orange, and Butternut is our tuxedo kitty.  Butternut is significantly smaller than Pumpkin (she’s the runt of the litter… I’ve always wanted a runt!!!).


The first several nights were difficult, Butternut was very scared and upset so she mostly hid.  Pumpkin adjusted very well to us, but became hostile to Butternut 🙁  As the little tuxedo kitty warmed up to us, we were concerned the two sisters would never get along.  But, thankfully the last few days they have been playing together a lot.  There is still occasional hissing, but for the most part they are friends again 🙂


Pumpkin and Butternut like to sleep on our bed with us sometimes, but they also like pouncing on us and jumping on the bed while we’re trying to sleep…. So, we may need to close our door to avoid sleep deprivation.


This past week, Jake and I have focused most of our energy on loving on the new kitties and helping them adjust.  It has been super fun and I’m so glad to have these silly little additions to our family.  That said, if you ever here me talk endlessly about my kitties, pleeeasse stop me. 😉  I love kitties, but they are not my life, so the next step is learning to continue life as usual with two crazy kittens in our apartment.


In other news, I found these pretty candleholders at Salvation Army several weeks ago.  I’d really like to bring some more green into our living room.  They were on our end table until a kitty knocked one over… So location is still to be determined.


I also found several frames during my Salvation Army trip that help out our gallery wall.  I still need to spray paint them though…  and I’m stumped on how to do that with so much snow outside and no garage.

Decorate for your Personality

So…… What does this all mean for the blog?  More MB type decorating personality posts will be coming as time allows me.  I know many of you are waiting so patiently for your type to be posted, and with that in mind I will try my best to get them out there for you all!  Also, I may have to suspend the Friday Five life updates for a bit during this busy time.  Perpaphs a monthly check-in would be more manageable.. So I will consider that 🙂  Thanks to all of you who follow me and my strange (sometimes crazy) ramblings!  It means a lot to me 🙂

Friday Five

Until next time.. (hopefully not in the too distant future)  have a fantabluous week! 😉



2 thoughts on “A Little Life Update and some Blog-keeping”

  1. Oh. My. Word. THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!!! I love them. I wouldn’t mind one bit if 90% of your blog was kitty photos. 🙂 We have 2 dogs- they are mini aussies. One of them is the runt…he is my favorite! So sweet, so cuddley and loyal, awww. Runts are awesome! Congrats mama! 😛

    1. Awwww, thanks 🙂 I just can’t get over their cuteness either!!! I will probably be slipping a rogue kitty picture into each post haha! I’ve totally seen your dogs on your blog, they are SO precious!!! 🙂 I am right there with you on runts being the best 😉

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