ENFP Decorating for the Inspirer

Welcome back to Decorating for your Personality. Today we’re delving into ENFP, decorating for the Inspirer.  This is one post in a sixteen part series looking at how your Myers Briggs personality profile affects your decorating choices.  Most recently we looked at ESFP (Performer) and principles they should be considering in their home decor. In this series, it’s important to remember that everyone has different tastes when it comes to home decor, but each of us have preferences that can often be traced back to our personality profile and how we perceive and react to the world.  By better understanding our personality profile, we can make informed decorating decisions that can lead to more peaceful living and well-rounded lives.

In this guide, I will not attempt to tell you whether country cottage fits you better, or if you are more the modern eclectic type.  We all are drawn to different styles, and similar personalities will not necessarily have similar decorating tastes.  But, they will have similar ways of making decisions, evaluating choices, and experiencing the decor in their homes.  Which is why, in this series, I will be focusing on broader concepts and decision making  in your home decor versus specific design styles.

ENFP, also known as Champion or Advocate, are most recognized for their contagious enthusiasm.  Women ENFP’s are fairly well represented at 10% of the population while men ENFP’s make up 8%.  Famous persons with this personality type include: Bill Clinton, Julie Andrews, Dr. Seuss, and Robin Williams (what a fun bunch to be associated with!).

ENFP’s are people-oriented individuals with a focus on possibilities.  They spread their excitement over new ideas to those around them and are excellent motivators and encouragers.  Extremely well-spoken, ENFP’s can navigate conversations with ease and be very persuasive.  They are very aware of themselves, but must take time alone to ‘re-center’ so that their emotional excitement over new things doesn’t make them lose touch with their values.  Overall, Inspirers are warm, energetic, and ingenuous risk-takers, with many diverse talents.

 ENFP (The Inspirer) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee

ENFP Decorating

  • Bring Excitement.  One of the most beautiful qualities of an ENFP is their overflowing excitement and joy for life.  It’s contageous!  Show your infectious enthusiasm in the colors, styles, and forms you use to decorate your home.  Go bold, or subtely dramatic.  Whatever helps excite you, display it.  Get giddy at the site of marble?  Try an accent backplash.  Are you inspired by the beauty of music?  Paint lyrics on the wall.  Reds, oranges, pinks! Whatever helps excite you, incorporate that into your house and share it with others.  Be intense, that’s you!

ENFP (The Inspirer) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Create Personal Space. Moreso than other Extroverts, ENFP’s need to take time alone to recenter themselves and make sure their passion and enthusiasm is in line with their personal values.  Creating a space for just you to take time and collect your thoughts and evaluate the goings on in life will help you as you pursue your goals.

ENFP (The Inspirer) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Inject Meaning.  ENFP’s seek meaning in everything.  They try to adapt their life according to their personal values and to find inner peace.  Incorporate meaning into your home as a greater reflection of you and the journey of life you are on.  Find a song or verse particularly meaningful?  Frame it.  Have a keepsake or picture that signifies a treasured memory?  Display it proudly.  Let your home reflect what has impacted you most in life.

ENFP (The Inspirer) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Simplify Routine.  Do you find that little mundane everyday tasks are the bane of your existence???  You are not along, ENFP’s commonly view the details of everyday life as drudgery, preferring instead to focus on the world of exciting possibilities.  To free your hands and mind for more interesting endeavors, try and simplify the routines in your life.  You can use your home to help in this arena by creating easily accessible storage for quick cleanup, using a command center to organize your tasks, and creating routines for members of the household to contribute.

ENFP (The Inspirer) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Use your Gifts.   Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty!  ENFP’s are broadly talented and often good at whatever interests them.  If you’ve been stalking some DIY pins on pinterest for a while, go ahead and try them!  Chances are you will do great 🙂  As a project oriented individual, you will have the focus it takes to exceed.  Just be careful to practice diligence as it can be easy for an ENFP to move on to another project without finishing the first.

ENFP (The Inspirer) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Incorporate Others.  The Nurture’s infectious enthusiasm often inspires others to the same cause.  Because of this ENFP’s can be very influential individuals.  Use your persuasion skills wisely and get others involved in your home and the projects and decorating you tackle.  Chances are not only can you convince them to help, but they will enjoy being around such a life-celebrating individual!

ENFP (The Inspirer) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Accommodate People. ENFP’s are people lovers who bring out the best in others.  They place a high importance on relationships and are often well-liked.  Let your great people skills infuse into your home decor and furniture arrangements.  Use seating configurations that maximize personal conversation.  Create a gathering area around the kitchen so you can spend time with others while you cook.  Incorporate the people you love into your home!

ENFP (The Inspirer) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


Good News for the Inspirer

1.  You are risk-taker.  Where others may be afraid to even try, you have the guts and passion to go-for-it and try crazy things!  You’re home can be a bold expression of your talents and zest for life.


ENFP (The Inspirer) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


2. You’re brimming with ideas and possibilities.  Where others may see a blank wall, you see great potential!  It is a gift to be full of so much inspiration.  This will carry through in your home ideas and decorating for a creative and beautiful home.

ENFP (The Inspirer) | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


Thanks for reading these decorating tips and tricks for the Inspirer or ENFP. What ideas are you passionate about?  How do you find the discipline to follow through on your projects (as an ENTP I struggle with this as well!)?  Thanks again, and see more types below!


Decorating for your Personality:

INTP Decorating for the Thinker
ESTJ Decorating for the Guardian
INFP Decorating for the Idealist
ENFJ Decorating for the Giver
INFJ Decorating for the Protector
ENTP Decorating for the Visionary
ESFJ Decorating for the Caregiver
ISFP Decorating for the Artist
ISFJ Decorating for the Nurturer
ESFP Decorating for the Performer
ENFP Decorating for the Inspirer
INTJ Decorating for the Mastermind
ENTJ Decorating for the Executive
ISTP Decorating for the Artisan
ESTP Decorating for the Promoter
ISTJ Decorating for the Duty Fulfiller 


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18 thoughts on “ENFP Decorating for the Inspirer”

  1. Thanks so much for writing this upon my request (perhaps others as well)! I love the part about personal space! 🙂 That is a must!

  2. I love this. I am an Authenticity Coach and I have done work with clients on living in a home space that is ‘yours’ and not just want society expects. I would love to utilise personality testing in any work I do going forward! Thank for the great blog series! My home sounds so much like what you’ve described. It was quite eerie really. 😀

    1. I absolutely love hearing from people and how this whole personality thing fits in with their home. It is so so neat that you get to apply these principals in what you do every day 🙂

  3. Pingback: ENFP Decorating Personality | Laila Shares

  4. THIS IS GREAT THANK YOU. personal space.. painting the song lyrics on the wall..all good..and i like the openness in the style too.

  5. Pingback: Reinvent urns as practical kitchen decor – My-House-My-Home – Pot Gardening Info

  6. Pingback: Reinvent urns as practical kitchen decor – My-House-My-Home – Best Home Decorating Ideas

  7. I love that you call an ENFP an inspirer. That is the descriptor I relate too. You have described my decorating style well. But I grew up with poor parents who only spent money on function, and am now married to an INTP who sees no need for decorations, besides the cost money. I feel so stifled. I decorate mainly with paint. Colorful paint costs the same price as White paint. Why have only white walls when you can have color?

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