ENTJ Decorating for the Executive

Hello, and welcome to the Decorating for your Personality series. Today we’re looking at ENTJ, also known as the Executive.  This the next post in a sixteen part series looking at how your Myers Briggs personality profile affects your decorating choices.  Last week we looked at INTJ (Mastermind) and principles they should be considering in their home decor. In this series, it’s important to remember that everyone has different tastes when it comes to home decor, but each of us have preferences that can often be traced back to our personality profile and how we perceive and react to the world.  By better understanding our personality profile, we can make informed decorating decisions that can lead to more peaceful living and well-rounded lives.

In this guide, I will not attempt to tell you whether country cottage fits you better, or if you are more the modern eclectic type.  We all are drawn to different styles, and similar personalities will not necessarily have similar decorating tastes.  But, they will have similar ways of making decisions, evaluating choices, and experiencing the decor in their homes.  Which is why, in this series, I will be focusing on broader concepts and decision making  in your home decor versus specific design styles.

ENTJ’s make up only 2% of the population.  They are natural leaders who can take charge and make quick decisions.  Famous ENTJ’s include Steve Jobs, David Letterman, Margaret Thatcher, and Whoopi Goldberg.  Here are a few fun facts and statistics on the Executive: of all types, they are least likely to report work or finance related stress.  They’re among the most likely to stay in college and maintain a high GPA.  And they’re one of two types most likely to feel satisfied in their work.

ENTJ’s are born natural leaders who see a world of possibilities and challenges for them to conquer.  They are quick with complexities and absorbing large amounts of data, and are often extremely career focused.  They make decisions quickly and decisively and are tireless with the efforts on the job.  ENTJ’s enjoy being with people and engaging in stimulating and challenging conversation.  Overall, the Executive is innovative, assertive, and a long-range thinker with the ability to create actionable possibilities from ideas and theories. 

ENTJ the Executive | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee

ENTJ Decorating

  • Turn Issues into Solutions.  ENTJ’s tend to view the world as full of possibilities where there are challenges for them to overcome.  As an ENTJ you have the drive and ambition to conquer the issues in your life, and also in your home.  Where are there trouble spots that just do not work for your place?  Maybe it’s a flow issue, or lack or space; maybe it’s colors and patterns that are clashing.  Whatever it may be, harness your take-charge problem solving skills and get to work resolving!  Then you will be able to take pride in seeing your work and the efficiency and structure it brings to your home.

ENTJ the Executive | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Create a Meeting Place. Extroverts enjoy being around people; as an ENTJ you particularly enjoy lively and challenging conversations with others.  And especially if they are in the context of organizational meetings that you direct.  Whether it’s for three friends getting together to discuss the latest twist in a mystery novel, or fifteen people meeting to discuss the future of the home-owner’s society, facilitate a place where stimulating discussion can occur.  You will enjoy the company and excitement of achieving goals in your own home.

ENTJ the Executive | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Visualize the Future.  You have a unique ability to picture long-range goals and the way things are projected to be.  Apply this to your home and take charge of your decorating goals.  Seeing the future that your house holds will help energize you to achieve the tasks at hand and help you appreciate the work that you are doing in it now.

ENTJ the Executive | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Dispense Grace.  At some point someone may be helping you clean or decorate your home and make a major mistake.  Now, ENTJ’s in general strongly dislike errors and inefficiency and also can offer their judgments very freely before considering others’ feelings.  Someone may do something that drives you crazy, but try and remember that people work better under encouragement than disapproval.  Dispense some grace in those situations take the opportunity to help them improve in accuracy and efficiency.

ENTJ the Executive | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Lead.   Taking the lead in a project or situation is second nature to an ENTJ.  Use this skill as you look to decorate your home to organize and provide guidance to those willing to help.  Host a ‘projects’ day where you trade pizza and cookies for some good ‘ole fashioned barn raising.  You can not not assemble, direct, and communicate end goals with people, why not do so with your home projects?  With your authority and ability to delegate, you are guaranteed to achieve much!

ENTJ the Executive | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


  • Systemize.  As an ENTJ, you have the ability to take in large amounts of data (or an overwhelming amount of un-decorated wall space, for instance) and process it quickly and meaningfully.  This skill will keep you from being overwhelmed by the home decorating process.  Instead, view it as a project that needs systematizing and prioritization.  Which rooms must be tackled first?  How will you do it?  What is the most efficient procedure?  Do your closets make sense?  Can you have more efficient kitchen storage?

ENTJ the Executive | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


Good News for the Mastermind

1.  You are quick and decisive.  As an ENTJ, you will likely never have to suffer the woes of having paint chips taped to your walls for months, agonizing over which to choose.  No, you know what you want and are a take-charge personality.  Your decorating process will go much smoother and be more efficient because of it (two this an ENTJ like you holds highly!)

ENTJ the Executive | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


2. You have the power of presence.  Other people take you seriously.  When you have personal power, there is much to be gained.  Not only will people respect you more, they will want to try your ideas.  Also, if they are aiding in your home decor process they will likely allow you to wield the ultimate decision-making power.

ENTJ the Executive | Decorating for your Personality | Mrs. Fancee


Any ENTJ’s out there who resonate with these tips?  I’d love to hear from you!!  Next up…. ISTP, Decorating for the Crafter.


Decorating for your Personality:

INTP Decorating for the Thinker
ESTJ Decorating for the Guardian
INFP Decorating for the Idealist
ENFJ Decorating for the Giver
INFJ Decorating for the Protector
ENTP Decorating for the Visionary
ESFJ Decorating for the Caregiver
ISFP Decorating for the Artist
ISFJ Decorating for the Nurturer
ESFP Decorating for the Performer
ENFP Decorating for the Inspirer
INTJ Decorating for the Mastermind
ENTJ Decorating for the Executive
ISTP Decorating for the Artisan
ESTP Decorating for the Promoter
ISTJ Decorating for the Duty Fulfiller 


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7 thoughts on “ENTJ Decorating for the Executive”

    1. Thanks Tania, it’s been super fun to write and research all the different types 🙂 Ah, what a fun combo to be! The Inspiring Executive 😉 I love the inspo board too, I think I need to start working on an inspiration board of my own!

  1. ENTJ here. A lot of this resonates with me. The idea of trying to solve a problem is exactly how I decorate. Now that I recognize how I work, I want to go put some time in and do it with the end goal in sight- a comfortable place to have meaningful and challenging conversation!

    1. Love love love, that you can put your goal into a statement like that! Go forth and decorate Miss Executive 😉

  2. This is awesome! I feel like it’s harder to find stuff directed towards ENTJs since we are more rare. LOVE the idea to make an area to host people.

  3. This was SO spot on for me and my upcoming move. I have made a schematic (to scale) out of graph paper and everything!


    Also, the last heading is incorrect. It says “The Mastermind” rather than “The Executive.”

  4. Another ENTJ here – the “gathering space” focus was right on… for me, my home is all about function, and that means designating a clear purpose to use of each space, whatever it may be. It took me months to find a suitable house (the long amount of time it took KILLED me with impatience) but that had to do with the fact that we couldn’t find a house which had a layout suitable for large social gatherings, not indecisiveness… (We put an offer on the house we live in now the MINUTE we found it.) FWIW, I’ve yet to have a “miss” on wall color – all decisions there have been made within no less than 48 hours and implemented days later, and my bookshelves closely resemble your ‘systemize’ picture, so that feels spot on, too.

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