Happy, happy Friday, all! 🙂  Welcome to a little slice of my life this week… Sharing what I’m doing/loving/wanting/feeling lately.  Thanks for reading my Friday Five, and have a lovely weekend!
1.  Life as a Tax Accountant. This week I began working full time: here is a little peek at my first day outfit.  Accounting firms are notoriously conservative about dress codes, so I figured on my first day I would wear my most acceptable, conservative outfit.  Well, I just felt a little blah in it, so I added my LOFT necklace for some subtle bling 🙂  I think it made all the difference!
2.  Another Feature! I was featured again by Knock Off Decor, for my milky mercury glass vases.  I was so excited last time when Becky featured my gold leaf bird art, and am even more excited to have this one shared!
3.  A Place to Call Home. Last weekend we enjoyed the beautiful fall weather and just took a drive.  I miss doing that, taking a drive (preferably a scenic area, not I90 or something…) is so peaceful and sweet.  Well, it got me thinking about a ‘someday home.’  Driving past different neighborhoods and houses, I started making a mental list of things I would look for in my someday home.  Here’s what I have so far….
- Oak trees- tall, thick, twisty, old oak trees that just cover the yard in colorful leaves this time of year.
- Feeling of seclusion- even if I’m less than a mile from the interstate, when I come home I want to feel like I just drove down a gravel road by a farm or forest.
- Old house charm- I want a house with a story, with many years of living and laughing, and bad decorating styles 😉  Something unique to call mine.
- Water- wouldn’t it be lovely to live near water? Â I’d take anything: a pond, river, lake, stream…
I think this picture sums those up pretty well.  😉  What would you look for in a ‘someday home?’
4.  Picnics.  The world needs more picnics.  I am convinced that people need to spend more time enjoying food out in nature.  We had a picnic date night on Wednesday and it was a lovely way to connect and appreciate God’s creation.  Go picnic, ’nuff said… 😉
5.  Style Me Pretty Living Gallery.  While I was no stranger to SMP in my wedding planning days, I must admit I haven’t checked them out in a while.  But, my oh my… they have a lifstyle site!!! And it is choc full of unbelievable gorgeousness.  I am totally loving their gallery pics right now.  I know where my next 500 pinterest pins are coming from… just sayin’  😉
Happy weekend everyone! 🙂