Furniture Mock-Up

Now that we have some paint on our walls, I am just itching to start decorating!  (Even though I know we have some more major projects to complete before that happens)  In the meantime though… why not satisfy the decorating itch with a room mock-up?

It looks pretty stellar, right??  I incorporated a blue velvet couch, which I’m hoping is an upcoming project of mine in the near future.  (With the actual one being converted into a sectional!)  Also there is a comfy, cozy leather chair that adds some warmth to the room, along with the hickory floors that are soon to be laid.

I wanted to add lots of gold elements in this room.  Some rooms it’s iffy whether or not they can pull off the gold look, but with the dark, glossy walls, I figure this room has as good a chance as any 🙂

I’d love to do some emerald green curtains on the windows and some graphic artwork over the couch with a few fun pillows added into the mix.  Notice the circular end table in the corner: we already have this piece.  It’s a beautiful cherry end table Jake made in high school.

Blue velvet couch, emerald green curtains, gold accents | Mrs. Fancee

Here is the room from another angle (I know what you’re thinking; and yes, I do have entirely too much time on my hands 😉 )  You can see our TV (which we do not yet own…) is flanked by two gold sconces to add additional lighting and dramatic effect.  I’m loving the black console with a slight Asian influence.

Notice the two black and white striped chairs alongside the console… So pumped!  I’ve been wanted to reupholster something like this forever.  And I already have some Craigslist chairs in mind. 😉

And that light… I just picked it randomly from a google search, but I’ve since fallen in love with it.  With a price tag that flirts with one thousand dollars, I do not see this light fixture in my near (or distant) future… I’ve been racking my brain all day to try and figure out a DIY for it.  So far all my ideas are just way too complicated… but maybe someday I’ll figure it out and have my ‘golden leaf bowl’ light. 🙂

By the way, I made those mock-ups using just Microsoft Word and Paint.  Pretty cool right?  No fancy photoshop tools necessary 🙂

3 thoughts on “Furniture Mock-Up”

    1. Thanks Emily, that’s a great tip! I will officially be stalking Joss and Main for a gold light fixture 😉

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