Gold Leaf Bird Art and a DIY Tutorial

The newest additions to our bedroom were inspired by this gold leaf bird art at Wayfair.  I fell in love after seeing it on Pinterest, and fell quickly out after I saw the $300 price tag…  But, determined to get a similar look, I DIYed these gold leaf bird art paintings.

DIY Gold Leaf Bird Art | Mrs. Fancee

DIY Gold Leaf Bird Art | Mrs. Fancee

I’m pretty happy with how they turned out.  Most importantly they add a needed touch of decor to the nightstand in our bedroom.  I’ve been searching the thrift stores for a lamp to add to the mix as well.  (I’m always searching for another project…)  And…. I have another project in the works for the nightstand coming soon, so stay tuned!

DIY Gold Leaf Bird Art | Mrs. Fancee DIY Gold Leaf Bird Art | Mrs. Fancee

When the light casts on them just right, they are very shiny! (Yay :)) But when it is dark, they tend to blend into the background paper… (not yay…)  Haven’t come up for a solution for this yet, I suppose I will refrain from admiring them except for certain hours of the day. 😉

Now for the details and tutorial….

DIY Gold Leaf Bird Art How To


  • Colored cardstock paper (I used scrapbook paper in a natural Kraft color)
  • White cardstock paper
  • Frame
  • Gold leaf paint  (I bought Precious Metals in 18k Gold at Hobby Lobby)
  • Paintbrush
  • Bird silhouette
  • Scissors
  • Pencil

Gold Leaf Paint | Mrs. Fancee


  1. Cut a white piece of cardstock to the size of your frame as your background.  Then determine how big you want your colored cardstock and cut accordingly (I used 1.5″ margins on all sides)
  2. Find your bird silhouette and cut it out.  I googled ‘free bird silhouette’  Then lightly trace the silhouette onto your colored cardstock.
  3. Begin filling in your outlined bird with the gold leaf paint.  Be generous!  This stuff seeps into the paper.  I had to do several coats to get the desired look.DIY Gold Leaf Bird Art | Mrs. Fancee
  4. Glue your art to the background cardstock and frame!  Now you have designer gold leaf bird art at a bargain price 🙂

 I hope you enjoyed my quick DIY.  You can check out my other home projects here.  Or feel free to visit me at Pinterest (Where I basically get all my inspiration ;)).

DIY gold leaf birda rt


Linking up at Work it Wednesday, Five Days Five Ways, Craft Frenzy Friday, and Liz Marie Blog

5 thoughts on “Gold Leaf Bird Art and a DIY Tutorial”

  1. Your bird art is very striking and so incredible. It’s so great how you figured out how to make it for much much less than $300. Come on, $300 is pretty outrageous. Much more fun to figure out how to do it on your own, great challenge and you sure got it perfect. Hope I can do it justice like you did. Love this.
    Happy weekend.

    1. Thanks! I definitely agree with you, it’s so much fun figuring out how to make things yourself sometimes! Hope you had a lovely weekend 🙂

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