Don’t you just love IKEA? We are fortunate enough to be only 20 minutes away from, not one, but two of the only IKEA’s in Illinois. Back when we were in an apartment, I could literally walk to one, it was great. And dangerous 😉
You can do so many neat, ‘look for less’ projects with things from IKEA. Lately, I’ve been on the hunt for a floor lamp for our den. With no overhead lighting, it gets pretty dark in there during the evenings. Floor lamps can be tricky for some reason, and I don’t feel like there is a predominant trend right now to guide you on what is and isn’t cool about them.
On a recent trip to IKEA I spotted the ASTORP lamp, and I knew it was meant to be. At only $25 for the base, it was definitely priced right. The style kind of mimicks the popular ‘tripod’ floor lamp and its clean geometric lines really appealed to me. So I snatched it up! I have plans to hide the cord a bit and spray paint the legs gold (don’t you think that will give it that extra special touch?)
(image via Stylebook Closet App)
After finding such a great deal, of course I had to look around and see how it compared. I found these lamps that are very similar to the ASTORP IKEA floor lamp, but cost considerably more… So I would say this is a very successful ‘look for less’ purchase!
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What are your favorite IKEA products? Do you ever struggle when picking out floor lamps?
I love the lamp!! Love it! I agree, floor lamps are tough and placing them are even harder. Wish they were all cordless, it would make life so much prettier. 😉
That lamp looks beautiful! Is it bright? I’m looking for a lamp with lots of illuminating light.