I’m back again today posting in the Decorating for your Personality series. We’re going to take a look at the ISTP, also known as the Artisan, Crafter, or Mechanic. This is one post in a sixteen part series looking at how one’s Myers Briggs personality profile affects their decorating choices. Last time we analyzed ENTJ (Executive) and principles they should be considering in their home decor. In this series, it’s important to remember that everyone has different tastes when it comes to home decor, but each of us have preferences that can often be traced back to our personality profile and how we perceive and react to the world. By better understanding our personality profile, we can make informed decorating decisions that can lead to more peaceful living and well-rounded lives.
In this guide, I will not attempt to tell you whether country cottage fits you better, or if you are more the modern eclectic type. We all are drawn to different styles, and similar personalities will not necessarily have similar decorating tastes. But, they will have similar ways of making decisions, evaluating choices, and experiencing the decor in their homes. Which is why, in this series, I will be focusing on broader concepts and decision making in your home decor versus specific design styles.
How fun are the nicknames given to the ISTP? Artisan, Crafter, and Mechanic, I mean these people clearly have skills! Interestingly, this type is much more common in men (about 9% of males) than women (only 2%). Also, I find it interesting that ISTP’s are into some crazy awesome stuff, here are some of their hobbies: sky-diving, comedy, aviation, motorcycles, scuba-diving, hunting, and other extreme sports.
ISTP’s are great at logical analysis and applying their rationale to practical issues. Their strong reasoning powers, adaptability, and sense of details often affords them excellent technical skills. They are independent thinkers who need to make decisions for themselves based on impartiality and facts. ISTP’s enjoy action and adventure; they’re optimistic and cheerful individuals who take pride in their actionability and avoid constrictive commitments.
ISTP Decorating
- Apply logic. Artisan’s are excellent at analysis and logical thinking, but they would much rather apply it to a practical issue than think abstractly. As an ISTP, put your reasoning powers to good use in how you furnish and decorate your home. Is the furniture layout optimal for applicable uses of the room? Could you store your pantry items more efficiently? Think about how your home works and where it can be taken apart and put back together in a superior way.
- Exercise your freedom. ISTP’s are not confined by rules or regulations. They are independent individuals who need to have the freedom to make their own choices – even if that means coloring outside the lines at times. Embrace this trait as you decorate your home. Who says Christmas trees have to be made out of trees? Why shouldn’t you paint the floors? Give yourself permission to be you, even if some ‘experts’ might do it different.
- Create a space for you. ISTP’s make judgements impartially, based on facts. Because this is so important to them, they can often suppress their own feelings in order to make sure each decision they make is objective. In order to sort these things out properly, as an Artisan, you need time along to think. Designate a area in your home that can be yours where others know you need a little space. Then you will be able to work out those conflicts in a rational and logical way, exactly what you do best!
- Embrace change and adventure. As an ISTP you likely have enjoy some type of adventurous activity that may seem crazy to other personality types! You are fearless and enjoy being in the middle of the action. Because of this, you can often become bored rather quickly. Don’t let the colors, patterns, and textures of home bore you; home should be a place that excites and inspires! Give yourself permission to spice things up as life goes on. Pair neutral furniture with fun, playful accessories that you can change up on a whim for cheap.
- Buy in store. Trust me on this one, as an Artisan you will be much happier with your home decor purchases if you can touch and see before you buy. Because you have such excellent hand-eye coordination, sense of detail, and technical skill, you will be able to judge the quality of a piece much better in person. Besides, as a spontaneous personality, you never know what you may end up coming home with!
- Lend a hand. You may at times feel like the ‘jack of all trades, master of none.’ But to other personality traits who can become petrified by taking-action, non-detail oriented, or unable to tie up loose ends, you seem like Bob the Builder. Don’t hoard all your technical expertise to yourself, lend a helping hands to those you care about 🙂 They will surely appreciate it!
Good News for the Artisan
1. You build all things for fun and learning. While others may consider projects and tinkering to be a chore, or even frustrating, you enjoy it. What a gift! Your sense of humor, practical realism, and pride in your ability to to take the next correct step make house projects a fun experience.
2. An Artisan follows through and ties up loose ends. Again, while you may take this for granted, many others struggle with finishing what they began and doing so well. This is something you excel in. Enjoy your home as each project is completed all the way through.
For ISTP’s it is key to find an environment where you can work with good friends who understand your style, spontaneity, need for freedom, and hands-on approach to life. Having these people alongside of you as you strive to make your home a reflection of you will make the process that much more rewarding.
I hope you enjoyed these decorating tips for the ISTP, stay tuned for ESTP, Decorating for the Doer. Other personality types below…
Decorating for your Personality:
INTP Decorating for the Thinker
ESTJ Decorating for the Guardian
INFP Decorating for the Idealist
ENFJ Decorating for the Giver
INFJ Decorating for the Protector
ENTP Decorating for the Visionary
ESFJ Decorating for the Caregiver
ISFP Decorating for the Artist
ISFJ Decorating for the Nurturer
ESFP Decorating for the Performer
ENFP Decorating for the Inspirer
INTJ Decorating for the Mastermind
ENTJ Decorating for the Executive
ISTP Decorating for the Artisan
ESTP Decorating for the Promoter
ISTJ Decorating for the Duty Fulfiller
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Could you tell me the name of the wall paper in the top photo with the kitchen aid? I love it.
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