Loving Lately

Happy Saturday, Lovelies!  How was your week?  I’ve been having a blast this past week!  My sister visited over the weekend and made a delicious dinner for us, Jake and I are just rockin’ and rollin’ on our half bath (sad announcement on this to come later, though…), we went to Jake’s work Christmas party last night, and I’ve been taking some super fun web design courses that have me all revved up about coding!!!

So, I’m hoping this means that I’ve kicked the post-holiday blues and am rarin’ to go for the new year 🙂  I think these wonderfully warm (like nearing 40 degrees, that’s a miracle in January for Chicago) temps are helping plenty too.

If you missed it this week, I share why I started these Loving Lately posts.  Check it out and let me know what you think 🙂

Loving Lately


I love this BEAUTIFUL master bedroom makeover by Jen at With Heart.  And it was all done on a budget, my favorite kind of inspiration!

Bloggers, let’s have more fun!  Loved this post over at the Blog Market on why we ought to just have more fun with our blogs.

The Big Game is fast approaching, you may want to use these gorgeous Superbowl commercial bingo prints from Style Me Pretty to entertain the less sports-savvy folks at your party.

How totally rad is this Restoration Hardware coffee table knock off?  If I only had the mathematical skills to make this….

Elle and Co. shares their blog post process and exactly how to go from an idea to a published work of art.

Needing a quick fix for Valentine’s Day?  You will love these adorable honey-bee themed printables from Clementine Creative.


See you next week, friends! 😉

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