A Simple Holiday Table Setting

Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂  I hope your day is full of appreciation and blessings!  We are spending this time enjoying family and eating good food.  Even though we aren’t having our own Thanksgiving dinner, I thought it was appropriate to set the table for the occasion.  So, I bring you a simple holiday table.

An IKEA Table Setting  |  Mrs. Fancee

I sewed the placemats with my dear friend (she dressed hers up a bit and added a gold hand-painted rose in the corner~they look fabulous!).  We used the SOFIA fabric from IKEA which I’d been eyeing for some time.  And the natural weave placemats were also from IKEA.

A simple holiday table setting  |  Mrs. Fancee

I kept it simple, and used my milky mercury glass vases as the centerpiece.  I think they transition quite well from fall to winter.  Shiny metallics fit both seasons well.  And, I think the subtle milky hue will lend itself well to the Christmas spirit.  (Oh, and did you notice my giant mirror in the background?  Clearly, I have not decided what to do with it yet… Still pondering ;))

Setting a table is a big deal for me, since normally I like having the entire surface clear for maxium space.  And… I would undoubtably spill all over placemats and stain them 🙁  Which I realize is actually their purpose, but they are just too pretty to spill on!

A simple holiday table setting  |  Mrs. Fancee

I hope we all get some time to reflect on what we’re thankful for today.  Sometimes it’s the simplest things that I’m most thankful for: a kind and loving husband, a warm and supportive family, my sweet and funloving friends, and a place to call home.

As I will be out of town with family these next few days, I am taking a rain-check on the Friday Five this week.  But, I will be back next week with the latest happenings! 🙂  Until then, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and an amazing weekend!

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