Thanksgiving Decor and Crafts Ideas | The Friday Five

A Thanksgiving Decor and Crafts Roundup

I always feel like Thanksgiving decor gets pushed by the wayside… it’s the poor neglected holiday that everyone forgets to decorate for (probably because they are so busy cooking!).  Think about it, everyone went fall-decor crazy a month or so ago, then Halloween comes along and people do all sorts of creepy decorating (sorry if you are into that, it’s just not my personal preference).  As soon as the calendar flips to November, it’s suddenly Christmas season already!

Now, I don’t blame people… who couldn’t be anxious for Christmas??  But, I think it’s only fair that we give (in my personal opinion) the second best holiday at least relative thought and festivity.  There you have it, there’s my case for decorating for Thanksgiving! 😉

Give Thanks  |  Mrs. Fancee


When I started thinking about Thanksgiving a little while back, I was stumped.  How do you decorate for Thanksgiving anyway?  Turkeys, pilgrims, and indian corn… that’s all I got, folks.  So, I turned to my trusty friend, Pinterest, for some fresh and fun Thanksgiving decor inspiration, and now I am enlightening you all with my fab finds. 😉

Thanksgiving Decor Roundup  |  Mrs. Fancee


The entire holiday centers around thankfulness.  Why not display your thankfulness in your decor?  I love this idea as you can reuse some of your fall/Halloween pumpkins.  Plus, who doesn’t love a festive banner? 🙂  for this simple craft, print out your text and trace firmly around the edges onto your pumpkins, then paint.

Thanksgiving Craft Roundup  |  Mrs. Fancee


This craft may be my favorite… DIY chalkboard chargers.  Use them to write your guests names on.  Then, give them each a piece of chalk so they can write what they’re thankful for!  This is a very easy and inexpensive craft.  All you need is some cheap chargers from Hobby Lobby or IKEA, and a can of chalkboard spraypaint.

Thanksgiving Decor Ideas  |  Mrs. Fancee


Here’s a fresh spin on turkey decor… Try using feathers, tied to the napkins, or in a cup as a centerpiece.  I like this subtle way to celebrate the first Thanksgiving’s turkey without being overbearing with it.

Thanksgiving Crafts and Decor Ideas  |  Mrs. Fancee


How sweet is this simple Kraft paper place setting?  Kraft paper is so understatedly chic.  Let your family and friends write out what they’re thankful for right on the table.  I love this modern yet thoughtful way to express thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Decorating Ideas  |  Mrs. Fancee


This inspiring Thanksgiving vignette reminds us of the roots of the holiday in celebrating harvest.  Use wheat in a vase or gathered with ribbon as a reminder to be thankful for your ‘harvest.’



Finally, I wanted to share this simple Thanksgiving dinner table.  It’s minimalism reminds me that it’s the simplest things that I am most thankful for.  The people I love, and God’s eternal provision and love.  I hope we all can spend some time to reflect on how blessed we are, and that you all have a lovely Thanksgiving!

And, since it is Friday….

Here are my Friday Five:

Friday Five

1. Black Laqcuer. I am convinced it is the most beautiful finish for doors.  And many other surfaces for that matter…  Lacquer is the ultimate in glossiness.  It gives black a richer look that I just love.  Of course I had to look into how to paint lacquer since I definitely forsee trying it in my (likely distant) future.  Well, it is definitely more work than your typical paint job.  Lacquer dries nearly instantly, so you can’t use a brush or roller, you must spray it on.  Renting a paint sprayer can be relatively inexpensive though, so I am definitely still game on this idea.

black lacquered mudroom doors // I am loving the look of black lacquer lately!

2. Halloween.  While we did not do anything to celebrate, my little brother went as a ‘creeper’ from Minecraft, a costume my mom made for him.  So adorable, right?  You may need to see how much he loves the game to understand the cuteness factor. 🙂

Minecraft creeper Halloween costume

3. Peanut Butter Thai Sauce.  Lately this is my favorite. thing. ever.  I decided I wanted to try my own peanut thai recipe after a visit to flattop where I indulged in their beyond delicious peanut sauce.  It turns out, this is a super simple and quick sauce to whip up!  Serve with chicken noodles and rice and you have one scrumptious  dinner. Recipe: 1 tbsp peanut butter, 2 tbsp sesame oil, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp brown sugar, 1 tsp sesame seeds.  Just whisk together and pour over your meal!

Thai Peanut Sauce. Super easy & great on noodles or chicken: 1 tbsp peanut butter, 2 tbsp sesame oil, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp brown sugar, 1 tsp sesame seeds

4. Sweaters. I am finally ready for sweater season.  I know some of you fall enthusiasts broke yours own as soon as the first leave turned, but not me.  While I like the idea of sweaters, in practicality I often hesitate to wear them as I fear I will be too hot or uncomfortable.  It takes an extreme degree of chilly in order for me to crave these cozy knits.  But, I officially wore a sweater this week, so it is time.  Bring on the sweaters!  (and how sweet/adorable/feminine/cute/awesome is this ensemble?? love it!)

fall style

5.  Venison Jerky.  Last weekend, Jake was out bow hunting and shot a deer.  It was a pretty exciting night, but I will spare you the pictures…  Suffice to say our freezer is now well stocked with deer meat, and our apartment smells like liquid smoke from making a batch of jerky.  We (Ok, mostly Jake ;)) used this recipe and (I’ve been told) it turned out phenomenal!  (I’m just not a jerky fan).  So, if you know any good venison recipes, send them my way! I’m excited to expand my cooking horizons. 🙂

 picture from here

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!  And don’t forget to decorate for Thanksgiving 😉 Until next time, ta ta!


1 thought on “Thanksgiving Decor and Crafts Ideas | The Friday Five”

  1. Great thanksgiving round-up! I keep telling Jeff I want to celebrate an American Thanksgiving… (Canadians celebrate mid-October) I love how it’s tied right into the Christmas season. Seems so magical!
    I need to grab some cute sweaters! Let me know if you find any online! 😉

    1. Thanks Brandi! You’re so sweet. And,I think you can never have too many Thanksgivings! 😉

      I will definitely be keeping my eyes out for sweaters to share! It’s supposed to snow here today, so I really need to get on it…

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